
À Bruxelles. Architecture.

Brussels is the city of Art Nouveau. Paris too, but it's diluted among all its other charms. In Brussels, the works of Victor Horta, Paul Ankar and Paul Cauchie (among many others) are true jewels to the city.

This houses are always silent and shy, like if by means of a spell only some chosen people could actually see them while they stay disguised and unnoticeable for the rest. When you visit them for a second time, they remember you.

This is the house and atelier of the painter Ciamberlani, made by Paul Hankar in 1897. It's not one of the most famous but it has excellent and newly restored sgraffito decorations.

It's nice how each great city of Europe has it's own kind of Art Nouveau and how it means something architecturally different for each of them: the manificent Art Nouveau of Paris, that was even applied to the metro stations, the misterious Secession of Vienna, the bulkyness of the scandinavian Jugendstil...And they all remember you when you visit them again.

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