Here there is something which will make my dreams tonight cute and childhood-like. This is the story of
My Milk Toof by Inhae Lee, an artist from California which lives with the two friendliest and cutest teef ever! How lucky she is to have these two warm hearted little creatures at home.
We spanish kids put our milk teeth under the pillow and by night we have the visit of the
Ratoncito Pérez (ratoncito means "little mouse" and "Pérez" is a very spanish and common family name) and get some coins or little presents beneath our pillow the next morning. I remember finding once one little ring with a polly-pocket fairy that could be sitted on it and the magic of how a single mouse could transform a teeth into a polly-pocket just like that.
But yes, eventually Inhae Lee's milk teeth came back to her one day to live at her place. The story of sick Lardee and how ickle tells him a story to make him eat some soup just filled me with joy!
Her photos are so intimate, homey and tender I'd like to believe them real...
They are so messy and so active!
I have already read almost all the blog and stories (and I don't go all the way through because it's very late and I have to study tomorrow!). This girl has developed such a personal, fun and complete work that it makes me want to work harder on my exams and my projects... I really do feel this nice 'good envy' I've spoken in some other
You can find her book
Hooray for Inhae Lee!!
And hooray for little ickle and Lardee!!